The Film Look

Movies have contrast. They've got glorious blacks and whites, not weak-ass shades of grey. Rich blacks create solidity and make colors pop off the screen, while bright whites give sparkle and direct the viewer's interest. Cinematic images are about drama and the most effective way to achieve striking shots is through awesome lighting. Shoot against... Continue Reading →

Andrew Reid Is an Idiot

Andrew Reid, self-proclaimed filmmaker, gear reviewer and founder of EOSHD, who incidentally peddles in-camera profiles for as much as $49.99 (you heard right - that's not a typo!) continues to lash out at his peers, first by slamming DP John Brawley for failing to show the proper deference, next by bashing Blackmagic for not sending... Continue Reading →

ID Theft – A Reminder

A couple weeks ago I was preparing to make an estimated tax payment to the IRS when to my horror I discovered a ton of money had been withdrawn from my bank account over a period of weeks through what is known as ACH (clearing house) fraud. They’d been transferring huge amounts of cash on a daily basis.... Continue Reading →

Panasonic L-Mount: Same Old, Same Old?

I’ve been following Sigma with interest for years, marveling at how a manufacturer of middling third-party lenses has gone on to become one of the world’s leading producers of superb optics. But lately I’ve come to think of their approach as a bit old-fashioned. Their ART lenses may be a bargain, but their massive size and weight... Continue Reading →

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