How Effective Is IBIS on a Tripod?

Landscape photographers often ask whether they should use IBIS when the camera is mounted on a tripod to reduce camera shake caused by windy conditions. We couldn't emulate the windy conditions of outdoor shooting, but we were able to conduct an unapologetically unscientific test to try to answer a question which has eluded humanity for... Continue Reading →

Samyang AF 85mm f/1.4 FE Autofocus Test

A down and dirty autofocus test with the a7 III, firmware v.3.0 (both camera and lens). The Samyang's a pretty chubby affair - it just barely clears the base plate on my Zhiyun Crane Plus - but is remarkably light for an 85mm f/1.4. When it comes to autofocus, the Samyang isn't a speed demon... Continue Reading →

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