Sky UK’s Admirable Delivery Specs

One of the most surprising documents we've seen since I began covering HDR was the Technical Specifications for the Delivery of Content to Sky UK. The first of the specs that caught our eye were the minimum camera requirements for scripted HDR content, which stipulate 4:4:4 chroma subsampling, 12-bit color depth and a dynamic range... Continue Reading →

Cullen Kelly is BaseLight Curious

Cullen Kelly's interested in the texture tools available in BaseLight and HDR4EU thinks you should be, too! “Here's what I would say [about] texture: I feel like I've talked about BaseLight a couple times today. I'll just go ahead and leak to you guys - I am BaseLight curious. I'm a big fan of the... Continue Reading →

Making Curves for ETTR Footage

So, we've exposed to the right in order to reduce noise in the image; we've chosen the logarithmic color space of the hero camera as our working color space; and our timeline luminance matches the output color space. How are we to normalize the footage to prepare it for grading? There are a number of... Continue Reading →

The blocking by Netflix of shared accounts works: in the US, subscribers have not grown like this since the days of COVID

The Italian tech website DDay reports: "Antenna's analyst report seems to confirm that Netflix's new policies are working. The number of new users registered to the platform in the USA has in fact skyrocketed, surpassing the peaks reached during the pandemic. Netflix's policy to combat shared subscriptions is working, at least in the US. This... Continue Reading →

Brace yourselves: HDR is coming to the skies, folks.

In an article entitled "4K OLEDs arrive on planes. United will bring 300,000 screens and 67W USB-C to high altitude," Italian tech website reports that, "By 2025, United Airlines will install 300,000 4K OLED screens on its aircraft....When Panasonic Avionics introduced Astrova, 4K OLED screens were only available in 13” or 16” cuts. In... Continue Reading →

Ben Shapiro, Only Stupider

Steve Yedlin shares his insights into HDR on the Go Creative Show Steve Yedlin: You know, we already had those problems, we haven't even solved them, but now we're piling more on with all of this HDR stuff, which is, you know, real for the most part, as a format, as a signal format, as opposed... Continue Reading →

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