Loving the Shogun Inferno

I'd initially purchased the Inferno to shoot and edit HLG HDR video but when I ran into problems using it as an HDR grading monitor (not to mention how heavy the contraption is out in the field) it got stored away in the closet for the longest time. YouTubers Caleb Pike and Gerald Undone reawakened... Continue Reading →

Leeming LUT Pro + Leeming LUT Quickies

We just shared a couple of primers on exposing for skin tones and achieving perfect color using the X-Rite Colorchecker - but those are only the first steps toward getting a cinematic look. In order to obtain more accurate, pleasing color, Leeming LUT Pro is essential to the grading process - at least it is... Continue Reading →

Exposing for Skin Tones, HLG HDR

Having watched Gerald Undone's outstanding guide to exposing for low noise when shooting HLG for SDR delivery, I was curious whether the figures he arrived at were also applicable to HLG HDR video. Because even in graded HDR content, the bulk of the image should still fall within the standard 0-100 nit range, I wouldn't... Continue Reading →

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