Lens Talk

Some random observations about Veydra, Fuji, Sigma and Olympus. A comment by a viewer who'd watched my YT video, 'Why Aren't More People Talking About These Lenses?' was so spot-on that I just had to share it here. These lenses will be that sort of thing where they will go unnoticed while the company is still in business.... Continue Reading →

Which SD Card for Your GH5?

This is not a comprehensive look at all the available cards that will work with 400Mbps ALL-I files, only the 128GB V90 cards sold by Panasonic and Angelbird. Both cards cost roughly $250.00 when I purchased them in Singapore a couple of months ago. To the best of my knowledge, the Panasonic retails for around... Continue Reading →

Still at Work on Shooting Models with LED Lights

Here's a frame grab from the project I'm working on now - shooting models with LED lights. Lumix GH5, Olympus 75mm f/1.8, HLG, 400Mbps, ALL-I, ISO 500, Lishuai 700RSV For those who are interested, here are screen grabs of the waveform scopes before and after applying the Leeming LUT at 100%.

Is Fuji Still Relevant?

Ever since Fuji added 4K to the X-Pro2 with firmware update v.4, there's been a lot of hype about the video capabilities of the camera. But does extra resolution alone a video camera make? For one thing, unlike the more capable X-T2, in-camera sharpening and highlights/shadows cannot be adjusted while shooting UHD on the X-Pro2.... Continue Reading →

Shooting Models Using Natural Light

I’m at work on several projects at once: how to shoot models using natural light and how to shoot HLG and use the Leeming LUT in post. The frame grabs below were shot with HLG, 400Mbps, ALL-Intra, ISO 400. Leeming LUT applied, no color correction in post.

Scouting Locations

After being charged $50.00 to shoot at the Ho Chi Minh City Museum, being denied entrance to the Saigon Zoo and being chased off the grass at Tao Dan park, I thought it might be about time to look for some locations that were a little less hostile to photographers. So this afternoon, we set... Continue Reading →

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