Dolby Colorist Shane Ruggieri On Grading a7s III HDR Footage

This weekend, Armando Ferriera will be uploading a video to his YouTube channel in which house colorist at Dolby Laboratories in California Shane Ruggieri talks about his workflow grading a7s III footage. Shane is one of the world's foremost experts on high dynamic range video. And here it is!

Free Downloadable a7s III HDR Footage!

Shot with the Sigma FE 85mm f/1.4 DG DN, the sharpest 85mm lens in the E-mount system, with incredible autofocus speed and accuracy and recorded in 4K ALL-I, the highest quality, least compressed internal codec of the a7s III, and the gold standard for digital cinema. It will play smoothly on many computers even without transcoding.... Continue Reading →

a7s III Shoots Some Stunning HDR!

At long last, we've got a bunch of models lined up! The Sigma 85mm f/1.4 DG DN is one spectacular lens and the autofocus performed nearly flawlessly this morning (speed and sensitivity both set to 5). What's amazing is how tenacious eye detect AF is, even when overexposing S-log3 by a couple of stops. I'd... Continue Reading →

More HDR Tests

I shot S-log3 XAVC S-I this afternoon, making sure to ETTR, with zebras set to 94%. After pulling down highlights and boosting saturation a smidgen, I think I'm seeing some banding in the wall to the right behind me (over my left shoulder). Aside from that, I'm very pleased at how the image turned out:... Continue Reading →

Things Are Shaping Up

The a7s III has lots going for it: superb eye detect autofocus in video at up to 120 fps, an articulating touch screen LCD, indisputably the best EVF of any mirrorless camera, edit-friendly codecs with tiny file sizes, the red frame that surrounds the image in the LCD when you're recording video, a full size... Continue Reading →

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