Fuji Rig

Fuji X-T2 + Veydra Mini Prime, Tuba cage and rails, Tilta follow focus, Bright Tangerine Titan arm and Blackmagic Design Video Assist (not shown).

Veydra Mini Primes Fuji X-Mount

It's been nearly a year since Veydra announced Fuji X-mounts for their Mini Primes, and as there hasn't been any footage whatsoever online with the combination, I thought I'd go ahead and order a set to see how I feel about them with an APS-C sensor. Below are some screen grabs shot with the Lumix... Continue Reading →

Reasons Not to Buy the Fuji X-H1

I purchased the Fuji X-T2 when it first came out, but haven't used it much, since I've found it's really not all that fun to shoot with. Just the same, i'm heavily invested in the Fuji lens system and perhaps a new, well thought-out video-centric Fuji could bring me back into the fold. With the... Continue Reading →

Thoughts on the Fuji X-H1

I've already gone ahead and ordered a few Fuji X-mounts from Veydra for my Mini Primes, however - I'm not about to abandon my GH5 just yet! There's a reason why my X-T2 has been sitting in a dry box for nearly a year while the GH5 goes wherever I go. The audio meters on... Continue Reading →

Is Fuji Still Relevant?

Ever since Fuji added 4K to the X-Pro2 with firmware update v.4, there's been a lot of hype about the video capabilities of the camera. But does extra resolution alone a video camera make? For one thing, unlike the more capable X-T2, in-camera sharpening and highlights/shadows cannot be adjusted while shooting UHD on the X-Pro2.... Continue Reading →

Fuji Acros Film Simulation

Shot with the Fuji X-T2, 35mm f/2 lens and Zhiyun Crane. Genesis of the project I'd been wanting to shoot with Fuji's Acros film simulation for a while, but didn't have a clear idea of why I should choose monochrome over color. I often decide to embark on a project from sheer contrariness. For example,... Continue Reading →

Fuji X-T2: Skin Tones

The Vietnamese New Year is just around the corner and (almost) everyone's getting dressed up in ao dai and having their picture taken. I met a few photographers here who swear by primes: none of them even own a zoom lens, yet they're absolutely certain that primes are somehow superior. How anybody who only owns... Continue Reading →

Field Test: Fuji XF 50-140mm f/2.8

As usual, all shots were taken around Book Street in District 1, Saigon. The build quality of this monster is on par with Zeiss. The focus, zoom and aperture rings are dampened to high hell, which I happen to love. Autofocus is fast and completely, utterly silent. The 16-55mm f/2.8 amazed me, the 35mm f/2 astounded... Continue Reading →

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